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Q&A: Alexander & Vanessa

Q&A: Alexander & Vanessa

Q: Have there been any norms or ideas about how sex should be that you have had to break down in your relationship? Vanessa: I had the honor of having...

Hvidt mælkestøv

White milk powder

Amalie has written a poem about desire and love, and about the insatiable appetite you can have for each other in the intoxication of falling in love.

Turned on - turned off

Turned on - turned off

Eik has written a poetic text where the body stays in the bedroom, while the mind wanders into youth, primary school, and back to the time when the question; 'What...

En stor gul stribe

A big yellow stripe

"A large yellow stripe," I replied, and, after a breath, followed up with the words; "The yellow stripe should represent my first orgasm".

Undersøgelse: Hvordan onanerer vi egentlig?

Survey: How do we really masturbate?

How many times have you masturbated in the last month? How long do you typically masturbate? And what methods do you use when you masturbate? These are some of the...

Q&A: Nanna Liljekvist

Q&A: Nanna Liljekvist

Throughout my youth I have had a hateful relationship with my body. The last thing I want is for my children to have the same relationship with their body that...

Ingen af mine venner var queer

None of my friends were queer

The moment she put me in her bed and my whole body was shaking with desire, it all dawned on me. All of a sudden, nothing was scary anymore, and...